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I consider myself a constant "work in progress" type of human. I by no means have my SH*T together but have done fairly well in learning to roll with life's punches. I follow the deep belief that there is always something Positive that will come from any situation if only one takes a minute to breath and find it.

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My Background

Born in Michigan. Moved to Illinois when I was about six and been here ever since. Pretty boring. I was the type of kid who pushed mental boundaries more than any physical. So pretty much a boring kid with a boring high school history. Then of course things were shaken up a bit a few years after graduation.  I made some stubborn questionable decisions of course, and still wouldn't change a thing. Over the last 10ish years life has been ever eventful for sure. Some greats and some not so greats but the outcome is still the same. I have 3 beautiful children who look more like me ;) I have the most loyal and loving husband and we all have our 4 fur babies we couldn't live without.

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