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  • Writer's pictureJanish

The Imperfect Refurbish Project...

So, as I am driving towards my unknown destination, the unthinkable happens. There they are shinning in all their neon glory, multi-family GARAGE SALE signs. A quick natural glance into the belly of the beast to confirm there in fact is room for plenty. The aggressive urge takes over and my little white "mom" van drives a hard right into the quaint little hood. Can't forget that fleeting eye roll from my husband is going to be in my near future when I come home with more crap ;/ *Hehe*

Mind you I do not have the greatest patience when it comes to paint drying and absolutely HATE taking the finishes off of furniture in order to paint it but that's OKAY. I will admit it now. I am not going to be a perfectionist with my projects. I am going to make them look good and be satisfied. Toiling about painting each side and inside each panel is not the way I will usually get something done. I am a whip it out in a few hours kinda person and love it that way! I am looking forward to spending some time sharing my rehab adventures with anyone who is willing to enjoy. Wish me luck! TaTa!

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